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  • የቴክስ ኦፊስ መፍትሄ እንዴት ምርጥ የብረት ጣሪያን እንደሚነድፍ?
የቴክስ ኦፊስ መፍትሄ እንዴት ምርጥ የብረት ጣሪያን እንደሚነድፍ?

Perforated Metal Ceiling

Tecsus Office Solution plan the best metal roof for business spaces. ያልተነካ ጥንካሬ እና የፕላን መላመድን ሲፈልጉ የተበጣጠሱ የብረት ጣራ ጣራዎች የውሳኔው ቁሳቁስ ናቸው - በቦርዱ ዝግጅት ላይ. የጣሪያው እቅዶች የአሉሚኒየም ወይም የአረብ ብረት ንጣፎችን ይጠቀማሉ, ሰሌዳዎች, and boards in suspended frameworks to be outwardly engaging and acoustically.

Perforated Metal Ceiling

The organization offers a fortunate scope of highlights to suit numerous applications. The metal accompanies a lightweight, great strength, and unbending nature, pursuing it a savvy decision for current structural plans.

The boards offer upgraded acoustics that can be significantly improved with exceptional acoustic cushions. The utilization of punctured metal boards and screens for design is of manifolds. The boards join frameworks into a shocking, state of the art plan. The roofs can meet stylish allure and acoustic requirements.

Perforated Metal Ceiling

The boards are involved on walls or roofs as sound. safeguards. Perforated Metal Ceiling can be utilized in workplaces, galleries, libraries, and lodging campaigns for their high strength, lovely appearance, and lightweight. The metal boards can be broadly provided with utilitarian and ornamental roofs in business and private development.

For its high strength, the roofs can be utilized in workplaces, exhibition halls, libraries, and inn anterooms. What's more, we offer upgraded acoustics, which can be significantly improved with the expansion of unique acoustic cushions. Our punctured boards, normally utilized as building skins, are typically metal aluminum sheets.

Glazed Partition, Frameless Glass Partition, Metal Ceiling Sheets, Office Partition Systems, የስልክ ቡዝ ለሽያጭ, Wood And Glass Partition, Glass partition Walls for Offices, Office Meeting Pods

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