
Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Office Floor Carpet Tiles

Tecsus office floor carpet tiles use high quality material to make, mainly use in commercial area.

We have varies types and designs to fit designer’s and contractor’s requirement.

產品詳情 立即反饋

Product Name: Tecsus Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Fiber: Solon
Construction: Multi-level Loop
Gauge: 1/12
Stitches: 44/10cm
Average Pile Height: 4.5mm around 0.5mm tolerance
Pile Weight: 610g/m2 (18 oz/yd2)
Backing: PVC with Fiber Glass
Tile Size 50cm x 50cm
Area of Use: Extra Heave Commercial

Floor preparation. The floor must be free of dirt, oil, grease, paint, wax,
moisture or any debris that could affect adhesion modular carpet to the floor.

Sweeping compounds must not be used as they leave only deposits. The floor must be level and smooth. When installing the carpet tile, it should be butt up against each other.
Sliding motion is recommended when positioning the modular to avoid trapping the pile between the back of the tiles. The tiles should fit snugly but not be compressed.
Adhesive requirement: Recommend use of water-based adhesive when installation.

1.Chair pads are recommend under office chairs with roller casters to preserve appearance retention, avoid premature or accelerated wear and to act as a deterrent towards declamations.
2.Walk-off mats are recommend at building entryways to reduce soiling. This carpet is manufactured and recommend for floor covering use only. We do not assume any liability real or implied when the carpet is applied other area.
3.Capet maintenance must be established not only to keep the tiles clean, it will also extend the product life and enable the modules to perform accordingly.

生產係 15 自 20 days after pay the deposit, for small quantity less then 500m2 can offer with 5 收到付款後嘅天數.


容器 裝載數量 提前期
20英尺集裝箱 2500m2 15 自 20 日
40GP容器 5500pcs 20 自 25 日
40總部集裝箱 6500pcs 20 自 25 日

一旦證明存在質量問題, 我們將為您更改.
對於項目案例, 我哋可以派工程師指導項目安裝.

Q: 如何啟動項目?
一個: 啟動項目, 請把設計圖紙同材料清單發送畀我哋, 數量和完成. 然之後, 你將在內由我哋呢度獲得報價 24 小時.


Q: What color for the framed and glass can be chosen?
一個: Usually the standard color for frame is black. 也可定製.
For glass, usually is clear glass, also can be color customized.


Q: 我哋唔熟悉國際運輸, 你會處理所有的後勤事情嗎??
一個: 絕對. 超過 10 多年嘅出口經驗同長期合作嘅貨代將全力支持我哋. 你只能通知我哋交貨日期, 然後您將在辦公室/家中收到貨物. 其他問題留給我哋.



如果您有一些問題 辦公地板地毯砖, 或想了解更多有關金屬天花板嘅詳細信息,隔牆,辦公室隔音亭,辦公家具,辦公室地毯,等. 歡迎與我哋聯繫!



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