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Office Steel Partition Walls System
Office Steel Partition Walls System
Office Steel Partition Walls System
Office Steel Partition Walls System
iVakarau ni Vaqara Sitila ni Valenivolavola

Tecsus office steel partition walls system use steel panel for wall partition, height can up to 3 meter without any break panel. This will help partition looks more complete from ceiling to floor. Looking will be better than regular MDF boards.

Matailalai ni iYaya iTukutuku Lesu Mai ena gauna oqo

Type 50 series
Surface Steel Panel 10mm
Roka Frame (Black, White, Grey, Customized) Melamine Board (14 colors available)
Door Frameless Casement Door & Melamine Board Door & Steel Panel Door
Height Normal less than 3 meter & Customized

Na vakatasuasua e 20 ki na 25 days after confirm the manufacturing draft

iTukutuku ni vakau:

Koniteina Vakavodoki ni iWiliwili Gauna ni Veiliutaki
20koniteina fiti 300m2 kei na iyaya lalai 20 ki na 25 siga
40Koniteina ni ICA 500m2 kei na iyaya lalai 20 ki na 25 siga
40Koniteina ni VL 600m2 kei na iyaya lalai 20 ki na 25 siga


Ena gauna ga sa vakadinadinataki kina na leqa vinaka, keimami na veisau ena vukumuni.
Me baleta na kisi ni cakacaka, e rawa ni vakauta na neitou idinia me dusimaka na kena vakaddaberi na cakacaka.
E rawa talega ni vakauta na noda daudroini me droinitaka na nomu valenivolavola ka cakava na kena ivakarau

Q: Me tekivutaki vakacava e dua na cakacaka?
A: Mo tekivuna na nomu cakacaka, yalovinaka ni vakauta mai vei keimami na droini ni droini vata kei na dua na lisi ni ivola, iwiliwili ka vakacavara. Oti o ya, o na taura mai vei keimami na vosacavuti e loma 24 auwa.


Q: What color for the framed and glass can be chosen?
A: Usually the standard color for frame is black. Sa rawa talega me buli.
For glass, usually is clear glass, also can be color customized.


Q: Keimami sega ni kila vinaka na veigacagaca ni veivanua tani, o na qarava taucoko beka na veika taucoko ni veiqaravi?
A: E dina sara. Levu cake mai na 10 na veiyabaki ni kena vakauta na veika sa sotavi kei na noda dau duavata ena dua na gauna balavu, ena tokoni keda kina. E rawa walega ni o vakatakila vei keitou na tikinisiga ni veisoliyaki, ko na qai ciqoma na iyaya mai na valenivolavola/vale. Eso tale na kauwai e biuti keda tu.



Kevaka e tiko eso na nomu leqa me baleta na iVakarau ni Vaqara Sitila ni Valenivolavola, se via kila eso tale na ka matailalai me baleta na Metal Ceiling,Lalaga ni Wase,iTuvatuva Ni iRogorogo ni Valenivolavola,Iyaya ni Valenivolavola,iBe vavaku ni Valenivolavola,kei na so tale. Ni bula vinaka mai mo ni veitaratara kei keimami!

Vakanamata ki na nomu vakatataro. - Office Partition Systems, Cheap Office Partition Ideas, Office Partition Types, Office Partition Systems - Office Partition Systems, Cheap Office Partition Ideas, Office Partition Types, Office Partition Wall Systems, Office Partition Panel, Office Partition Ideas

Get Cheap Office Partition Systems at

Are you're looking for an affordable and convenient Office Partition Systems for your home or office space, consider office wall panels. These versatile and customizable panels are a great solution for creating separate areas within a larger space, whether you're looking to create a private workspace or a dedicated meeting room.

We Design Premium Office Partitions with Door

If you are looking to create separate spaces within your office, our premium office partitions with doors are the perfect solution. Our partitions are designed with your office's aesthetic in mind and can be customized to fit any space or style.

Here you will get the best & Cheap Office Partition Ideas!

Our Office Partitions with Doors are made from premium materials that are built to last. Aluminum frames from our company are durable and resistant to wear and tear. It is easy to clean and scratch-resistant because our doors are made of tempered glass. Buy now multiple Office Partition Types!

Buy Operable Partition Walls - Easy to Move!

Our Office Partition Systems are an excellent choice for those who need the flexibility to create different configurations for their office space. With our expert design and quality materials, our operable partition walls are a great investment for any office.

Our partition walls are made from high-quality materials that are built to last.

FAQs regarding Office Partition Systems

How much time will it take to install the Office Partition Systems?

It depends on the size and complexity of the project and how long it will take to install the partitioning system. Our team is working quickly and efficiently to ensure minimal disruption to your office.

What is the warranty on the Office Partition Systems?

A one-year warranty is provided on all partitions we sell. With this, we have different partitioning systems that have different warranty time periods.

Get to know more about our products:

Frameless Glass Partition | Movable Office Partitions | Metal Cladding Systems | Siliva Ni iYavu Metali | Soundproof Phone Booth | Phone Booth for Sale

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