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Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Cabină telefonică Acoustic Silence Silence

Cabina telefonică cu tăcere acustică izolată fonic de birou Tecsus oferă oamenilor un spațiu privat pentru a se ocupa de lucrurile sale personale, protejându-și intimitatea și să nu-i deranjeze pe ceilalți, păstrați liniștea și liniștea locului de muncă pentru a evita zgomotul. În zilele noastre, foarte popular la birou și la domiciliu.

Detaliile produsului [email protected]

mărimea Specificație Capacitate de locuri Culoare
S 1010x972x2272mm 1 oameni Negru,




M 1310x1472x2272mm 2 oameni
[email protected] 1610x2171x2272mm 4 oameni
XL 2210x2040x2140mm 6 oameni


[email protected]
[email protected] 20 [email protected] 25 zile de la primirea plății. Nu există MOQ pentru acest produs, chiar dacă 1 set pe care îl putem oferi.


Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite:

Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite
20Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite 20 seturi 20 [email protected] 25 zile
40Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite 50 seturi 20 [email protected] 25 zile
40Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite 80 seturi 20 [email protected] 25 zile


Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite
Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite, Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite.
Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite, Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite.
Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite


Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite: Cum să expediezi doar pentru doar 1 a stabilit?
Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite: Nu am solicitat MOQ, dacă pentru 1 stabiliți ordinea, vom expedia prin LCL, toți vor face pachetul de export cutie de lemn pentru a proteja.


Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite: Mărimea poate fi personalizată?
Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite: De obicei avem 4 marimea standard, ei sunt S, M, [email protected], XL. Mărimea noastră este deja stabilită și modelul nu se poate schimba, dar dacă pentru comandă mare până la 80 a stabilit, putem crea un nou model și linie de producție pentru a produce pentru dvs.


Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite: Cum este instalarea? Voința este dificilă?
Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite: Produsul nostru este ușor de instalat, toate piesele au fost finisate, doar asamblați unul câte unul conform ghidului de instalare, atunci va fi ușor.



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Buy Office Soundproof Phone Booth for Sale

In today's open office environments, noise pollution can be a significant issue. Many businesses are seeking solutions to provide quiet spaces for employees to work. The Cabină telefonică izolată fonic has emerged as an effective solution. These booths are specifically designed to block out noise and provide employees with a private space to work or make phone calls.

Get the Cabina telefonica de vanzare!

Benefits of a Soundproof Phone Booth

Improved productivity

Research shows that noise pollution can significantly reduce employee productivity. A Silence Phone Booth creates a quiet space for employees to concentrate and complete tasks without distractions.


Soundproof phone booths provide employees with a private space to make phone calls or work on sensitive projects. This can help prevent interruptions and maintain confidentiality.

Better communication

Pentru unele panouri de tavan standard obișnuite Office Soundproof Acoustic allows for clear communication without background noise. This can be especially important for important calls or video conferencing.


Soundproof phone booths come in a variety of sizes and styles.

Easy to install:

Many soundproof phone booths are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled.

Types of Soundproof Phone Booths

Silence Phone Booth

These are fully enclosed phone booths that are designed to provide complete sound insulation.

Office Soundproof Acoustic

The Office Phone Booth is designed to provide sound insulation while still allowing some natural light to filter in. They are perfect for open office spaces where natural light is important.

Office Phone Booth

These phone booths are more open and are designed to provide a private space for employees to work.

Frequently Asked Questions about Soundproof Phone Booth

Can soundproof phone booths be moved around the office?

Yes, many soundproof phone booths are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled.

Do soundproof phone booths require professional installation?

Not necessarily. Many soundproof phone booths are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled and can be installed by anyone with basic DIY skills.

How do I know which type of soundproof phone booth is right for my office?

This depends on your office's specific needs. If your office is noisy and you need complete sound insulation, a Silence Phone Booth may be the best option. If you want to maintain natural light while still providing sound insulation, an Office Soundproof Acoustic may be a better fit.

Can soundproof phone booths be customized to fit my office's specific needs?

Yes, many soundproof phone booths are customizable and can be designed to fit the specific needs of your office space and employees.

Are soundproof phone booths expensive?

The cost of a soundproof phone booth will depend on its size, features, and level of customization. However, they are generally affordable and can provide significant benefits in terms of employee productivity and privacy.


In today's open office environments, noise pollution can be a significant issue. A soundproof phone booth provides a private space for employees to work or make phone calls without distractions.

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