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Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Rajoles de catifes del sòl d'oficina

Tecsus office floor carpet tiles use high quality material to make, mainly use in commercial area.

We have varies types and designs to fit designer’s and contractor’s requirement.

Detall del producte Fes comentaris ara

Product Name: Tecsus Office Floor Carpet Tiles
Fiber: Solon
Construction: Multi-level Loop
Gauge: 1/12
Stitches: 44/10cm
Average Pile Height: 4.5mm around 0.5mm tolerance
Pile Weight: 610g/m2 (18 oz/yd2)
Backing: PVC with Fiber Glass
Tile Size 50cm x 50cm
Area of Use: Extra Heave Commercial

Floor preparation. The floor must be free of dirt, oil, grease, paint, wax,
moisture or any debris that could affect adhesion modular carpet to the floor.

Sweeping compounds must not be used as they leave only deposits. The floor must be level and smooth. When installing the carpet tile, it should be butt up against each other.
Sliding motion is recommended when positioning the modular to avoid trapping the pile between the back of the tiles. The tiles should fit snugly but not be compressed.
Adhesive requirement: Recommend use of water-based adhesive when installation.

1.Chair pads are recommend under office chairs with roller casters to preserve appearance retention, avoid premature or accelerated wear and to act as a deterrent towards declamations.
2.Walk-off mats are recommend at building entryways to reduce soiling. This carpet is manufactured and recommend for floor covering use only. We do not assume any liability real or implied when the carpet is applied other area.
3.Capet maintenance must be established not only to keep the tiles clean, it will also extend the product life and enable the modules to perform accordingly.

La producció és 15 a 20 days after pay the deposit, for small quantity less then 500m2 can offer with 5 dies després de rebre el pagament.

Dades d'enviament:

Contenidor Quantitat de càrrega Temps d'execució
20contenidor de peus 2500m2 15 a 20 dies
40Contenidor GP 5500pcs 20 a 25 dies
40Contenidor HQ 6500pcs 20 a 25 dies

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Q: Com iniciar un projecte?
A: Per iniciar el teu projecte, Si us plau, envieu-nos els dibuixos de disseny amb una llista de material, quantitat i acabat. Aleshores, rebreu el pressupost de nosaltres dins 24 hores.


Q: Quin color per al marc i el vidre es pot triar?
A: Normalment, el color estàndard per al marc és el negre. També es pot personalitzar.
Per vidre, generalment és de vidre transparent, També es pot personalitzar el color.


Q: No estem familiaritzats amb el transport internacional, s'encarregarà de tota la logística?
A: Definitivament. Més que 10 anys d'experiència exportant i un transportista cooperat a llarg termini ens donaran suport total. Només ens pots informar de la data de lliurament, i després rebràs la mercaderia a l'oficina/casa. Altres preocupacions ens deixen a nosaltres.



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