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Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Office Soundproof Acoustic Silence Phone booth
Cabina telefònica d’Insonorització Acústica Silenci

La cabina telefònica de silenci acústic insonoritzada de l'oficina Tecsus ofereix a la gent un espai privat per tractar les seves coses personals, protegir la seva intimitat i no molestar els altres, mantenir el lloc de treball en silenci i silenci per evitar el soroll. Avui dia molt popular a l'oficina i a la feina a casa.

Detall del producte Fes comentaris ara

Mida Especificació Capacitat de seients Color
S 1010x972x2272mm 1 gent Negre,




M 1310x1472x2272mm 2 gent
L 1610x2171x2272mm 4 gent
XL 2210x2040x2140mm 6 gent


La producció és 20 a 25 dies després de rebre el pagament. No hi ha MOQ per a aquest producte, encara que 1 conjunt que podem oferir.


Dades d'enviament:

Contenidor Quantitat de càrrega Temps d'execució
20contenidor de peus 20 col · leccions 20 a 25 dies
40Contenidor GP 50 col · leccions 20 a 25 dies
40Contenidor HQ 80 col · leccions 20 a 25 dies


Un cop demostrat el problema de qualitat, canviarem per tu.
Per al cas del projecte, podem enviar el nostre enginyer per guiar la instal·lació del projecte.
També podeu enviar el nostre dissenyador per dissenyar la vostra oficina i fer la mesura


Q: Com enviar només per només 1 conjunt?
A: No teníem MOQ sol·licitat, si per 1 establir l'ordre, enviarem per LCL, tots faran el paquet de caixa de fusta d'exportació per protegir.


Q: La mida es pot personalitzar?
A: Normalment en tenim 4 mida estàndard, són S, M, L, XL. La nostra mida ja està configurada i el model no es pot canviar, però si per gran ordre fins 80 conjunt, podem crear un nou model i una línia de producció per produir per a vostè.


Q: Com va la instal·lació? La voluntat és ser difícil?
A: El nostre producte és fàcil d'instal·lar, totes les peces estan acabades, només cal muntar un per un segons la guia d'instal·lació, llavors serà fàcil.



Si tens alguns problemes sobre Cabina telefònica d’Insonorització Acústica Silenci, o voleu saber més detalls sobre el sostre metàl·lic,Parets divisòries,Cabina Office Soundproof,Mobles d'oficina,Catifa d'oficina,etc. Benvingut a contactar amb nosaltres!

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Buy Office Soundproof Phone Booth for Sale

In today's open office environments, noise pollution can be a significant issue. Many businesses are seeking solutions to provide quiet spaces for employees to work. The Cabina telefònica insonoritzada has emerged as an effective solution. These booths are specifically designed to block out noise and provide employees with a private space to work or make phone calls.

Get the Cabina telefònica en venda!

Benefits of a Soundproof Phone Booth

Improved productivity

Research shows that noise pollution can significantly reduce employee productivity. A Silence Phone Booth creates a quiet space for employees to concentrate and complete tasks without distractions.


Soundproof phone booths provide employees with a private space to make phone calls or work on sensitive projects. This can help prevent interruptions and maintain confidentiality.

Better communication

A Office Soundproof Acoustic allows for clear communication without background noise. This can be especially important for important calls or video conferencing.


Soundproof phone booths come in a variety of sizes and styles.

Easy to install:

Many soundproof phone booths are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled.

Types of Soundproof Phone Booths

Silence Phone Booth

These are fully enclosed phone booths that are designed to provide complete sound insulation.

Office Soundproof Acoustic

The Office Phone Booth is designed to provide sound insulation while still allowing some natural light to filter in. They are perfect for open office spaces where natural light is important.

Office Phone Booth

These phone booths are more open and are designed to provide a private space for employees to work.

Frequently Asked Questions about Soundproof Phone Booth

Can soundproof phone booths be moved around the office?

Yes, many soundproof phone booths are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled.

Do soundproof phone booths require professional installation?

Not necessarily. Many soundproof phone booths are designed to be easily assembled and disassembled and can be installed by anyone with basic DIY skills.

How do I know which type of soundproof phone booth is right for my office?

This depends on your office's specific needs. If your office is noisy and you need complete sound insulation, a Silence Phone Booth may be the best option. If you want to maintain natural light while still providing sound insulation, an Office Soundproof Acoustic may be a better fit.

Can soundproof phone booths be customized to fit my office's specific needs?

Yes, many soundproof phone booths are customizable and can be designed to fit the specific needs of your office space and employees.

Are soundproof phone booths expensive?

The cost of a soundproof phone booth will depend on its size, features, and level of customization. However, they are generally affordable and can provide significant benefits in terms of employee productivity and privacy.


In today's open office environments, noise pollution can be a significant issue. A soundproof phone booth provides a private space for employees to work or make phone calls without distractions.

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