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Office Steel Partition Walls System
Office Steel Partition Walls System
Office Steel Partition Walls System
Office Steel Partition Walls System
Sistema de parets mitgeres d'acer d'oficina

Tecsus office steel partition walls system use steel panel for wall partition, height can up to 3 meter without any break panel. This will help partition looks more complete from ceiling to floor. Looking will be better than regular MDF boards.

Detall del producte Fes comentaris ara

Tipus 50 sèrie
Superfície Steel Panel 10mm
Color Marc (Negre, Blanc, Gris, Personalitzat) Tauler de melamina (14 colors disponibles)
Porta Porta abatible sense marc & Porta de tauler de melamina & Porta de panell d'acer
Altura Normal menys que 3 metre & Personalitzat

La producció és 20 a 25 dies després de confirmar l'esborrany de fabricació

Dades d'enviament:

Contenidor Quantitat de càrrega Temps d'execució
20contenidor de peus 300m2 amb accessoris 20 a 25 dies
40Contenidor GP 500m2 amb accessoris 20 a 25 dies
40Contenidor HQ 600m2 amb accessoris 20 a 25 dies


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A: Per iniciar el teu projecte, Si us plau, envieu-nos els dibuixos de disseny amb una llista de material, quantitat i acabat. Aleshores, rebreu el pressupost de nosaltres dins 24 hores.


Q: Quin color per al marc i el vidre es pot triar?
A: Normalment, el color estàndard per al marc és el negre. També es pot personalitzar.
Per vidre, generalment és de vidre transparent, També es pot personalitzar el color.


Q: No estem familiaritzats amb el transport internacional, s'encarregarà de tota la logística?
A: Definitivament. Més que 10 anys d'experiència exportant i un transportista cooperat a llarg termini ens donaran suport total. Només ens pots informar de la data de lliurament, i després rebràs la mercaderia a l'oficina/casa. Altres preocupacions ens deixen a nosaltres.



Si tens alguns problemes sobre Sistema de parets mitgeres d'acer d'oficina, o voleu saber més detalls sobre el sostre metàl·lic,Parets divisòries,Cabina Office Soundproof,Mobles d'oficina,Catifa d'oficina,etc. Benvingut a contactar amb nosaltres!

Esperem la vostra consulta. - Sistemes de particions d'oficina, Cheap Office Partition Ideas, Office Partition Types, Sistemes de particions d'oficina - Sistemes de particions d'oficina, Cheap Office Partition Ideas, Office Partition Types, Office Partition Wall Systems, Office Partition Panel, Office Partition Ideas

Get Cheap Office Partition Systems at

Are you're looking for an affordable and convenient Sistemes de particions d'oficina for your home or office space, consider office wall panels. These versatile and customizable panels are a great solution for creating separate areas within a larger space, whether you're looking to create a private workspace or a dedicated meeting room.

We Design Premium Office Partitions with Door

If you are looking to create separate spaces within your office, our premium office partitions with doors are the perfect solution. Our partitions are designed with your office's aesthetic in mind and can be customized to fit any space or style.

Here you will get the best & Cheap Office Partition Ideas!

Our Office Partitions with Doors are made from premium materials that are built to last. Aluminum frames from our company are durable and resistant to wear and tear. It is easy to clean and scratch-resistant because our doors are made of tempered glass. Buy now multiple Office Partition Types!

Buy Operable Partition Walls - Easy to Move!

Our Sistemes de particions d'oficina are an excellent choice for those who need the flexibility to create different configurations for their office space. With our expert design and quality materials, our operable partition walls are a great investment for any office.

Our partition walls are made from high-quality materials that are built to last.

FAQs regarding Office Partition Systems

How much time will it take to install the Office Partition Systems?

It depends on the size and complexity of the project and how long it will take to install the partitioning system. Our team is working quickly and efficiently to ensure minimal disruption to your office.

What is the warranty on the Office Partition Systems?

A one-year warranty is provided on all partitions we sell. With this, we have different partitioning systems that have different warranty time periods.

Get to know more about our products:

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